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  1. Sreelatha LB, Tarroso P, Nokelainen O, Boratyński Z, Carretero MA. 2025.  Environmental gradients in lizard colouration. Ecol Evol 15(3): e71012 (link)

  2. Boratyński Z, Lavrinienko A, Lehmann P, Mousseau AT, Tukalenko E, Vasylenko A, Watts PC, Mappes T, Nowick K. 2024. Covariation between metabolic and radioactive dose rates in Chornobyl rodents. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.09.20.614164 (link)

  3. Iwińska K, Wirowska M, Borowski Z, Boratyński Z, Solecki P, Ciesielski M, Boratyński JS. 2024. Energy allocation is revealed while behavioural performance persists after fire disturbance. J Exp Biol 227(5): jeb247114 (link)

  4. Piwczyński M, Granjon L, Trzeciak P, Brito JC, Popa MO, Dinka MD, Johnston NP, Boratyński Z. 2023. Unraveling phylogenetic relationships and species boundaries in the arid adapted Gerbillus rodents (Muridae: Gerbillinae) by RAD-seq data. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 107913 (link)

  5. Santos-Silva S, Santos N, Boratyński Z, Mesquita JR, Barradas PF. 2023. Diversity of Rickettsia spp. in ticks from wild mammals of Morocco and Mauritania. Ticks Tick Borne Dis, 14:102235 (link)

  6. Lövy M, Boratyński Z, Okrouhlík J, Svačinová L, Meheretu Y, Šumbera R. 2023. Alternative highland adaptations: organ masses and fur insulation in Afroalpine rodents. J Zool, 319:119-130 10.1111/jzo.13028 (link)

  7. Gyhrs C, Macedo T, Bárbara B, Salgado-Irazabal X, Hammadi M, Bouarakia O, Boratyński Z. 2022. High level of daily heterothermy in desert gerbils. J Trop Ecol, 10.1017/S0266467422000360 (link)

  8. Macedo T, Campos JC, Nokelainen O, Scott-Samuel NE, Boratyński Z. 2022. The effect of spatial and temporal scale on camouflage in North African rodents. Biol J Linn Soc, 10.1093/biolinnean/blac107 (link)

  9. Melcore I, Bertolino S, Boratyński Z. 2022. Variation of rodents’ body temperature across elevation in Alps. Physiol Biochem Zool, 10.1086/721477 (link)

  10. Brito et al. 2022. Diversity, distribution and conservation of land mammals in Mauritania, North-West Africa. Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0269870 (link)

  11. Enriquez-Urzelai U, Boratyński Z. 2022. Energetic dissociation of individual and species ranges. Biol Lett 18:20210374. 10.1098/rsbl.2021.0374 (link)

  12. Bryja J, Meheretu Y, Boratyński Z, Zeynu A, Denys C, Mulualem G, Welegerima K, Bryjová A, Kasso M, Kostin DS, Martynov AA, Lavrenchenko LA. 2022. Rodents of the Afar Triangle (Ethiopia): geographical isolation causes high level of endemism. Biodivers Conserv, 10.1007/s10531-022-02354-4 (link)

  13. Kivisaari K, Calhim S, Lehmann P, Boratyński Z, Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Mappes T. 2022. Chronic background radiation correlates with sperm swimming endurance in bank voles from Chernobyl. Front Ecol Evol, 10.3389/fevo.2021.736389 (link)

  14. Watts P, Mappes T, Tukalenko E, Mousseau T, Boratyński Z, Møller A, Lavrinienko A. 2022. Interpretation of gut microbiota data in the ‘eye of the beholder’: a commentary and re-evaluation of data from ‘Impacts of radiation exposure on the bacterial and fungal microbiome of small mammals in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone’. J Anim Ecol, 10.1111/1365-2656.13667 (link).

  15. Boratyński Z. 2021. Energetic constraints on mammalian distribution areas. J Anim Ecol  90:1854-1863. 10.1111/1365-2656.13501 (link)

  16. Bastos B, Pradhan N, Tarroso P, Brito JC &  Boratyński Z. 2021. Environmental determinants of minimum body temperature in mammals. J Vertebr Biol  70(2): 21004. 1-12 (pdf) (link) (graphical summary)

  17. Boratyński Z, Mousseau TA, Møller AP. 2021. Individual quality and phenology mediate the effect of radioactive contamination on body temperature in Chernobyl barn swallows. Ecol Evol, 10.1002/ece3.7742 (link)

  18. Sreelatha L, Carretero AM, Pérez i de Lanuza G, Klomp AD & Boratyński Z. 2021. Do colour morphs of European wall lizards express differential personalities? Biol J Linn Soc, 10.1093/biolinnean/blab058 (preprint)

  19. Lavrinienko A, Hämäläinen A, Hindström R J, Tukalenko E, Boratyński Z, Kivisaari K, Mousseau, Watts PC, Mappes T. 2021. Comparable response of wild rodent gut microbiome to anthropogenic habitat contamination. Mol Ecol, 10.1111/mec.15945 (link)

  20. Naia M, Tarroso P, Sow AS, Liz AV, Gonçalves DV, Martínez-Freiría F, Santarém F, Yusefi GH, Velo-Antón G, Avella I, Hanson JO, Khalatbari L, Ferreira da Silva MJ, Camacho-Sanchez M, Boratyński Z, Carvalho SB, Brito JC. 2021. Potential negative effects of the Green Wall on Sahel's biodiversity. Conserv Biol, 10.1111/cobi.13755 (link)

  21. Nokelainen O, Sreelatha L, Brito JC, Campos JC, Scott-Samuel N, Valkonen J, Boratyński Z. 2020. Camouflage in arid environments: the case of Sahara-Sahel desert rodents. J Vertebr Biol, 69(2):1-12. (link) (pdf)

  22. Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Kesäniemi J, Kivisaari K, Masiuk S, Boratyński Z, Mousseau TA, Milinevsky G, Mappes T, Watts P. 2020. Applying the Anna Karenina principle for wild animal gut microbiota: temporal stability of the bank vole gut microbiota in a disturbed environment. J Anim Ecol. 89: 2617-2630 (pdf) (link)

  23. Kivisaari K, Boratyński Z, Icon, Lavrinienko A, Kesäniemi J, Lehmann P, Mappes T. 2020. The effect of chronic low-dose environmental radiation on organ mass of bank voles in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Int J Radiat Biol (link) (pdf)

  24. Boratyński Z, Szyrmer M, Koteja P. 2020.The metabolic performance predicts home range size of bank voles: a support for the behavioral-bioenergetic theory. Oecologia 193: 547-556 (link) (pdf)

  25. Nokelainen O, Brito JC, Scott-Samuel N, Valkonen J, Boratyński Z. 2020. Camouflage accuracy in Sahara-Sahel desert rodents. J Anim Ecol. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13225 (link) (pdf)

  26. Boratyński Z. 2020. Energetic constraints on mammalian home range size. Func Ecol, 34: 468-474. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13480 (pdf) (link) (summary)

  27. Mikula O, Nicolas V, Boratyński Z, Denys C, Dobigny G, Fichet-Calvet E, Gagaré S, Hutterer R, Nimo-Paintsil SC, Olayemi A, Bryja J. 2020. Commensalism outweighs phylogeographical structure in its effect on phenotype of a Sudanian savanna rodent. Biol J Linn Soc, 129:931-949 (link) (pdf)

  28. Moutinho F, Serén N, Paupério J, Silva J, Martínez-Freiría F, Sotelo G, Faria R, Mappes T, Alves P, Brito JC, Boratyński Z. 2020. Evolutionary history of two cryptic species of northern African jerboas. BMC Evol Biol 20:26. doi: 10.1186/s12862-020-1592-z (link) (pdf)

  29. Mappes T, Boratyński Z, Kivisaari K, Lavrinienko A, Milinevsky G, Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Tukalenko E, Watts PC. 2019. Ecological mechanisms can modify radiation effects in a key forest mammal of Chernobyl. Ecosphere 10, e02667. (link) (pdf)

  30. Velo-Antón G, Boratyński Z, Ferreira CM, Lima VO,  Alves PC, Brito JC. 2019. Intraspecific genetic diversity and distribution of North African hedgehogs (Mammalia: Erinaceidae). Biol J Linn Soc, 1–8. (link) (pdf)

  31. Kesäniemi J, Lavrinienko A, Tukalenko E, Boratyński Z, Kivisaari K, Mappes T, Milinevsky G, Møller AP, Mousseau TA, Watts PC. 2019. Exposure to environmental radionuclides associates with tissue-specific impacts on telomerase expression and telomere length. Sci Rep, Jan 29;9(1):850. (link) (pdf)

  32. Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Mappes T, Mills SC, Mokkonen M. 2018. Maintenance costs of male dominance and sexually antagonistic selection in the wild. Funct Ecol, doi: 10.1111/1365‐2435.13216. (link) (summary) (pdf)

  33. Brito JC et al. 2018. Armed conflicts and wildlife decline: Challenges and recommendations for effective conservation policy in the Sahara‐Sahel. Cons Let, p.e12446. (link) (pdf)

  34. Barros MI, Brito JC, Campos JC, Mappes T, Qninba A, Sousa FV, Boratyński Z. 2018. The effect of rainfall on population dynamics in Sahara-Sahel rodents. Mam Res, pp:1-8. (link) (pdf)

  35. Kesäniemi J, Boratyński Z, Danforth J, Itam P, Jernfors T, Lavrinienko A, Watts P C 2018. Analysis of heteroplasmy in bank voles inhabiting the Chernobyl exclusion zone: A commentary on Baker et al. (2017) “Elevated mitochondrial genome variation after 50 generations of radiation exposure in a wild rodent.” Evol Appl, 1–7. (link) (pdf)

  36. Boratyński Z, Brito JC, Campos JC, Cunha JL, Granjon L, Mappes T, Ndiaye A, Rzebik-Kowalska B, Serén N 2017. Repeated evolution of camouflage in speciose desert rodents. Sci Rep, 7:3522 (link) (pdf)

  37. Kleiman NK, Lavrinienko A, Kivisaari K, Boratyński Z, Dauer L, Mappes T, Mousseau T. 2017. Radiation cataract in Chernobyl voles. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 58(8):20 (link)

  38. Sow AS, Gonçalves DV, Sousa FV, Martínez-Freiría F, Santarém F, Velo-Antón G, Dieng H, Campos JC, Diagne SK, Boratynski Z, Brito JC 2017. Atlas of the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the Diawling National Park, Mauritania. Basic Appl Herp, 31:101-116. (link) (pdf)

  39. Boratyński Z, Arias JM, Garcia C, Mappes T, Mousseau TA, Møller AP, Pajares AJM, Piwczyński M, Tukalenko E 2016. Ionizing radiation from Chernobyl affects development of wild carrot plants. Sci Rep, 6:39282 (link) (pdf)

  40. Vale CG, Campos JC, Silva TL, Gonçalves DV, Sow AS, Martínez-Freiría F, Boratyński Z, Brito JC 2016. Biogeography and conservation of mammals from the West Sahara-Sahel: an application of ecological niche-based models and GIS. Hystrix, 27: 1-10 (link) (pdf)

  41. Lehmann P, Boratyński Z, Mappes T, Mousseau TA, Møller AP. 2016. Fitness costs of increased cataract frequency and cumulative radiation dose in natural mammalian populations from Chernobyl. Sci Rep, 6:19974 (link) (pdf)

  42. Brito JC, Tarroso P, Vale CG, Martínez-Freiría F, Boratyński Z, Campos JC, Ferreira S, Godinho R, Gonçalves DV, Leite JV, Lima VO, Pereira P, Santos X, Ferreira da Silva MJ, Silva TL, Velo-Antón G, Veríssimo J, Crochet P-A, Pleguezuelos JM, Carvalho SB, 2016. Conservation biogeography of the Sahara-Sahel: additional protected areas are needed to secure unique biodiversity. Divers Distrib, 22:371-384 (link) (abstract) (pdf)

  43. Boratyński Z, Ketola T, Koskela E, Mappes T. 2016. The sex specific genetic variation of energetics in bank voles, consequences of introgression? Evol Biol, 43:37-47 (link) (pdf)

  44. Boratyński Z, Lehmann P, Mappes T, Mousseau TA, Møller AP 2014. Increased radiation from Chernobyl decreases the expression of red colouration in natural populations of bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Sci Rep, 4:7141 (link) (pdf)

  45. Šíchová K, Koskela E, Mappes T, Lantová P, Boratyński Z. 2014. On personality, energy metabolism, and mtDNA introgression in bank voles, Myodes glareolus. Anim Beh, 92:229-237 (link) (cover presentation) (example videos of PROACTIVE and REACTIVE voles) (pdf)

  46. Maia JP, Álvares F, Boratyński Z, Brito JC, Leite JV, Harris DJ. 2014. Molecular assessment of hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) infections in canids and rodents from North Africa, with implications to transmission dynamics across distinct taxonomic groups. J Wildlife Dis, 50:837-848 (link) (pdf)

  47. Boratyński Z, Brito JC, Campos JC, Karala M, Mappes T. 2014. Large spatial scale of the phenotype-environment color matching in two cryptic species of African desert jerboas (Dipodidae: Jaculus). PLoS ONE 9(4): e94342. (link) (image, SI) (pdf)

  48. Boratyński Z, Melo-Ferreira J, Alves PC, Berto B, Koskela E, Pentikäinen OT, Tarroso P, Ylilauri M, Mappes T. 2014. Molecular and ecological signs of mitochondrial adaptation: consequences for introgression? Heredity, 113:277-286 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  49. Ketola T, Boratyński Z, Kotiaho J. 2014. Manipulating genetic architecture to reveal fitness relationships. Proc PoS, 1:1e (link) (see also comment: link) (pdf)

  50. Brito JC, Godinho R, Martínez-Freiría F, Pleguezuelos J, Rebelo H, Santos X, Vale CG, Velo-Anton G, Boratyński Z, Carvalho SB, Ferreira S, Goncalves DV, Silva TL, Tarroso P, Campos JC, Leite JV, Nogueira J, Alvares J, Sillero N, Sow AS, Fahd S, Crochet PA, Carranza S. 2014. Unravelling biodiversity, evolution and threats to conservation in the Sahara-Sahel. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc, 89:215-31 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  51. Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Mappes T, Schroderus E. 2013. Quantitative genetics and fitness effects of basal metabolism. Evol Ecol, 27:301-314 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  52. Boratyński Z, T Mappes, J Brito. 2012. The origin of two cryptic species of African desert jerboas (Dipodidae: Jaculus). Biol J Linn Soc, 105:435-445 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  53. Ben Faleh A, Granjon L, Tatard C, Duplantier J-M, Dobigny G, Hima K, Said K, Boratyński Z, Cosson JF. 2012. Phylogeography of two cryptic species of African desert jerboas (Dipodidae: Jaculus). Biol J Linn Soc, 107:27-38 (link) (erratum, with correct authorship and GenBank affiliation numbers, is here: link) (SI)

  54. Boratyński Z, Alves PC, Berto S, Koskela E, Mappes T, Melo-Ferreira J. 2011. Introgression of mitochondrial DNA among Myodes voles: consequences for energetics? BMC Evol Biol, 11:355 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  55. Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Mappes T, Oksanen TA. 2010. Sex-specific selection on energy metabolism – selection coefficients for winter survival. J Evol Biol, 23:1969-1978 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  56. Boratyński Z and P Koteja. 2010. Sexual and natural selection on body mass and metabolic rates in free-living bank voles. Funct Ecol 24:1252-1261 (link) (SI) (pdf)

  57. Boratyński Z and P Koteja. 2009. The association between body mass, metabolic rates and survival of bank voles. Funct Ecol 23:330-339 (link) (SI) (pdf) (also in: Virtual Issue: 30 years of Functional Ecology)

  58. Boratyński Z and Kasprzyk K. 2005. Does urban structure explain shifts in the food niche of the Eurasian Kestrel? Buteo 14: 11-17 (link)


Newsletters, Reports etc

  1. Calatayud-Mascarell A, Alonso-Alonso P, Boratyński Z, Dippenaar-Schoeman A, Pabijan M & Salgado-Irazabal X. 2022. Hidden among the prickles: new records and updated distribution of Tmarus longicaudatus Millot, 1942 (Araneae: Thomisidae). Arachnology 19 (1), 1–6.

  2. Alonso-Alonso P, Salgado-Irazabal X, Pabijan M, Mohamed Hacen ML, Qninba A, Bousadik H, Boratyński Z. 2020. Bird records in the Diawling National Park and surrounding areas, Mauritania. Go-South Bull., 17, 75–86 (link) (pdf)

  3. Salgado-Irazabal X, Alonso-Alonso P, Melcore I, Boratyński Z. 2020. Mammals and birds from Oued Draa and Oued Chebeika, Morocco. A field survey report. Go-South Bull 17: 65-74 (link) (pdf)

  4. Guerreiro R, Boratyński Z, Cunha J, Maaloum H, Mappes T, Qninba A. 2016. Diversity of mammals in the Lower Drâa valley. A preliminary survey. Go-South Bull, 13: 68-71 (link) (pdf)

  5. Moutinho F, Qninba A, Harrington A, Forbes K, Mediani M, Serén N, Mappes T, Boratyński Z 2015. Winter breeding of the Lesser Egyptian Jerboa Jaculus jaculus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Southern Morocco. Go-South Bull, 12:24-27 (link) (pdf)

  6. Boratyński Z, Campos JC, Gonçalves D, Granjon L, Martínez-Freiría F, Sow AS, Velo-Anton G, Brito JC 2013. The Sudano-Sahelian Dalton's Mouse, Praomys daltoni, in Mauritania, Eastern Assaba mountains. Go-South Bull, 10:17-20 (link)

  7. Brito JC, Campos JC, Gonçalves D, Martínez-Freiría F, Sillero N, Boratyński Z, Sow AS. 2011. Status of Nile crocodiles in the lower Senegal River basin. CSG Newsletter, 30:7-10 (link)



  1. Tyers AM, Tornier H, Boratyński JS, Megalooikonomou E, Boratyński Z. 2024. Energetic regulation of behaviour in a wild rodent. XXI Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society, Lisbone.

  2. Almeida L, Pinho CJ, Lopes EP, Boratyński Z, Gabriel SI, Vasconcelos R. 2024. Evolutionary history of the house mouse in Cabo Verde. TiBE Ecology and Conservation in the Afrotropics

  3. Bastos B, Boratyński Z, Olson A, Franco NH. 2024. A non-invasive, 3rs-driven approach for tracking the poiki-endo thermoregulation transition in mice. Laboratory Animal Science Association Annual Meeting. West Midlands, UK

  4. Bastos B, Sarfert M, Nowick K, Boratyński Z. 2023. Evolution of molecular mechanisms of thermoregulation in rodents. The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution meeting, Ferrara, Italy.

  5. Tukalenko E, Boratyński Z, Lavrinienko L, Mappes T, Mousseau TA, Vasylenko A, Watts PC. 2022. Study of bank voles inhabiting the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone: a new approach. Kyiv, Ukraine

  6. Ijäs A, Alonso-Alonso P, Salgado-Irazabal X, Mappes T, Brito J, Boratyński Z. 2021. Flying in the desert: acoustic diversity of bats in the western Sahara-Sahel. 15th European Bat Research Symposium. Turku, Finland.

  7. Boratyński Z, Brito JC, Campos JC, Moutinho AF, Nokelainen O, Scott-Samuel NE, Valkonen JK. 2019. Camouflage in Sahara-Sahel rodents. 13th African Small Mammal Symposium, Mekelle, Ethiopia.

  8. Iwińska K, Boratyński JS, Fyjałkowska K, Boratyński Z, Borowski Z. 2019. Does it matter? Individual variation in the onset of activite season in edible dormice. 8th European Congress of Mammalogy, Warsaw, Poland.

  9. Boratyński Z. 2018. Repeated evolution of camouflage. CamoCon Meeting, 12.04.2018, Bristol, UK.

  10. Kleiman NK, Lavrinienko A, Kivisaari K, Boratyński Z, Dauer L, Mappes T, Mousseau T. 2017. Radiation cataract in Chernobyl voles. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 58(8):2037

  11. Boratyński Z. 2017. Energetic responses to sexually antagonistic selection for behavioural dominance in a small mammal. Behaviour 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

  12. Sousa FV, Silta TL, Brito JC, Boratyński Z. 2016. Did climatic changes trapped Ctenodactylidae species on Sahara–Sahel mountains and shaped intraspecific genetic variation? 15th Rodents et Spatium, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

  13. Serén N, Brito JC, Rodrigues M, Martínez-Freiría F, Faria R, Mappes T, Watts PC. Boratyński Z. 2015. Ecological adaptation of a desert specialist, on the edge of life. 15th ESEB, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  14. Boratyński Z, Serén N, Brito JC, Campos JC, Faria R, Mappes T. 2014. Ecological mechanism for diversification in African desert Jerboas. 14th Rodens et Spatium, Lisbon, Portugal.

  15. Sousa FV, Silva TL, Brito JC, Boratyński Z. 2014. Phylogeography and genetic structure of the Felou gundi (Felovia vae Lataste 1886) as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. 14th Rodens et Spatium, Lisbon, Portugal.

  16. Moutinho FA, Silva TL, Brito JC, Alves PC, Boratyński Z 2014. Phylogeography of eastern population of Jaculus jaculus. 14th Rodens et Spatium, Lisbon, Portugal.

  17. Boratyński Z. 2013. Applying common species (Jaculus and Gerbillus rodents) for testing theories - the Sahara-Sahel as eco-evolutionary laboratory. 14th Sahara-Sahel Interest Group Meeting, Agadir, Morocco.

  18. Boratyński Z 2012. Molecular and ecological signs of mitochondrial adaptation. 13th Rodens et Spatium, Rovaniemi, Finland.

  19. Sadowska ET, Z Boratyński and P Koteja 2011. Inter-population variation and natural selection on metabolic traits in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus. 8th ICCPB, Nagoya, Japan.

  20. Boratyński Z, J Melo-Ferreira, PC Alves, E Koskela and T Mappes 2010. Evolutionary mechanism for adaptive mitochondrion introgression. 13th ISBE, Perth, Australia.

  21. Boratyński Z, Koskela E, and T Mappes 2009. Geographic variation of phenotypic traits – response to climate and introgression. 12th ESEB, Turin, Italy.

  22. Boratyński Z, Koskela E, Oksanen TA and T Mappes 2008. Sex dependent natural selection on basal metabolic rate in a small mammal. 12th ISBE, Ithaca, New York.

  23. Radwan J, Babik W and Z Boratyński 2008. MHC and reproductive success in field population of the bank voles. 11th ESEB,Uppsala, Sweden.

  24. Boratyński Z 2007. Is metabolic rate associated with fitness components in mammals? 13th Annual European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology, Lund, Sweden.

  25. Boratyński Z 2007. Association between survival and basal and maximum metabolic rate in a wild population of the bank vole Myodes glareolus. 3rd Meeting in Ecology and Behaviour. Montpellier, France.

  26. Boratyński Z 2006. Relationship between survival and reproductive success and basal and maximum metabolic rates in bank voles. Advances in Mol. Evol. Ecology: Statistical Tools to Unravel Evolutionary Processes in Natural Populations. Tutzing, Germany.

  27. Boratyński Z, TA Oksanen, T Puttonen, E Koskela and T Mappes. 2005. Evolution of endothermy - linkage between metabolism and life history. 10th ESEB, Kraków, Poland.


Media coverage

  1. Our cognitive and brain meeting featured on Mertola Biological Station (link), 13 March, 2023

  2. My team work in the Lower Drâa Valley (Morocco) featured in regional news (link), Al-Oyoun TV, October 2021

  3. “Life After Chernobyl”, 2016, Animal Planet featuring our work in Chernobyl radioactive contaminated area (keep it in mind that it is a show and not a documentary: link).

  4. Berezow Alex B. 2014. Popular article on the Scientific Report 4 : 7141 article: “Chernobyl Radiation Changed Rodent Hair Color?” Real Clear Science, 1st December 2014.

  5. Daniel Eskenazi 2014. Interview on eco-evolutionary effects of radioactive contamination: “L’inquiétant déclin des oiseaux à Fukushima”. Le Temps, 04.09.2014.

  6. Footage of the wild herd of Przewalski horses captured in the Chernobyl exclusion zone; published in Victoria Gill reportage: “Chernobyl's Przewalski's horses are poached for meat”. BBC Nature (link)


Grants and Awards

  1. 2022-2028: FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Assistant Researcher grant

  2. 2019-2022: DFG, German Research Foundation, main colaborator (NO 920/7-1: 261 000€)

  3. 2019-2020: National Geographic research grant (NGS-53336R-19: 26 500$)

  4. 2019-2021: FCT, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Development research grant (PTDC/BIA-ECO/28158/2017: 240 000€)

  5. 2016: our publication selected as: “major impact on their field and that continue to be relevant today” for 30 years anniversary of Functional Ecology (link)

  6. 2013-2019: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), post-doctoral grant

  7. 2013: National Geographic Global Exploration Fund grant

  8. 2012: SYNTHESYS: the European Union-funded Integrated Activities, two grants

  9. 2012: University of Jyväskylä research grant (contractor in grant)

  10. 2009: University of Jyväskylä research grant for International Mobility

  11. 2008-2011: research grants within CoE of Evolutionary Ecology (contractor in grants)

  12. 2007-2008: contractor in doctoral grant of Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology

  13. 2004-2007: several small grants from Jagiellonian University “Bratniak” foundation

  14. 2004-2007: grant of Polish Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology

  15. 2004-2007: doctoral fellowship, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

  16. 2005: European Commission Marie Curie Host Fellowship

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